Welcome to The IoSCM Annual Awards

Thursday 24th October 2024
Crowne Plaza, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

IoSCM Supply Chain Awards 2024

The prestigious IoSCM Supply Chain Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of organisations and individuals throughout the supply chain industry. Highlighting outstanding performance and providing inspiration across the industry sectors, the IoSCM Awards are a key date in the supply chain calendar.

Nominations Close 1st August 2024​

In memory of IoSCM’s founder, the Kevin Rumfitt Award celebrates excellence within the supply chain. Kevin’s vision to establish an institute accessible to all within our industry has led us to the internationally applauded institute we are today. This award recognises the individual who has excelled above the rest in their field.
In honour of IoSCM’s chairman, the Philip Chaganis OBE Award is bestowed upon the young achiever of the year. Philip was an influential, founding father of the institute with a passion for supporting and advancing opportunities amongst young people. The winner of this award receives a bursary to support their further education within the industry.
This award recognises individuals that make a positive difference to the resettlement journey for those transitioning from the military to a civilian role.
Recognising individuals that have shone in the face of adversity and stood out from the crowd to achieve success.
Celebrating those who have a positive impact on the careers of others through promoting the importance of education in the supply chain industry.
Celebrates organisations that are proud to invest in the development of their employees, while also prioritising wellbeing in the workplace.
Honouring those with proven success in thinking outside of the box in order to introduce supply chain improvements.
Acknowledges individuals who have achieved something outstanding through managing to study while overcoming personal or professional challenges.
Recognises members that have demonstrated their commitment to the IoSCM vision, representing fellow members and excelling in their field.
Honours individuals or organisations that demonstrate their commitment to the wider supply chain and the institute’s place within the industry.
Recognises the individual or organisation that has made significant contributions within the supply chain industry.

The Sustain Chain Awards 2024

There is no doubt that sustainability plays a crucial role in modern business. Through recognising organisations and individuals that are advancing sustainable practices, contributing to change, and inspiring others to do the same, these awards celebrate the achievements of those who are working to build a brighter and more sustainable future.

Nominations are closed

Achieving sustainability if often about making a number of small changes that work towards reaching a long-term goal. From reducing costs, through to replacing equipment with more environmentally friendly opens, there are many ways we can work towards achieving sustainability across the supply chain. If you or your business has implemented changes to achieve sustainability, this category is for you. Tell us what you did, why, and the impact it will have.
Since the launch of initiatives such as the Plastic Pact, the world has become increasingly aware of the need to eliminate our reliance on single use plastic. We have already seen some great changes in the food and drinks markets but there is still much to be done across the supply chain. We are looking forward to receiving nominations for the individuals or businesses who have made changes, big or small, to reduce the use of single plastics.
Carbon emissions are damaging the environment and are a great cause of concern for many of us. While rising fuel prices may have us scrambling for ways to reduce our reliance on transport, from a long-term perspective, businesses need to find more ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Whether you are talking about a small change or an initiative that has taken significant investment, please nominate your champion for this award.
The importance of corporate social responsibility is on the rise. Consumers want to ensure they are choosing to buy from businesses that value their workforce, who offer visibility of their supply chain, and who always act responsibly. This category is the perfect opportunity to nominate yourself, a colleague, or a company for the efforts they have made to deliver positive improvements to their corporate social responsibilities. From changes to policies, through to the introduction of a new supplier selection process, there is much work being done across the globe, and we can’t wait to hear all about it.
This award is designed to celebrate the work individuals and businesses are doing to support sustainable improvements. This could include for example, professionals who are always looking for new ways to deliver improvements, or those who take pride in educating others on the importance of sustainability. From a company perspective, this could include a business that has invested time and resources to support others with achieving sustainability.
Accidents at work not only cause employee absence, but they can also lead to legal action against a business, damage workplace morale, and negatively impact the reputation of the business. This is also true for bullying and harassment, a lack of protection for lone workers, and so much more. Creating a safe work environment is a necessity for modern business. We are looking for nominations for individuals and businesses that have made practical changes to the workplace to ensure a safe environment for all.
Coming up with ways to make sustainable changes is often a straightforward process. Implementing those changes, however, can require huge amounts of effort, persistence, and skill. For this award we are looking for nominations for individuals and businesses that have taken steps within the workplace that will deliver measurable changes towards achieving sustainability now or in the future.
This award recognises charities, social enterprises and community projects which have shown outstanding commitment to their causes. We are looking forward to hearing from you about the fantastic support being provided to individuals, groups or communities, amazing fundraising projects and outstanding success stories. Whether you work with one of these groups, have been involved in the work they do, or have benefited from their support, we would love to hear from you.

2023 Archive

The IoSCM Supply Chain Awards continue to raise the profile of individuals and organisations working across the supply chain sector. Building on the success of the Decade of IoSCM celebrations the previous year, a wonderful evening was enjoyed by guests, sponsors, and category winners alike. 2023 saw the incorporate of The Sustain Chain Awards, a welcome addition to highlight the importance of sustainability throughout the supply chain. 

2022 Archive

The annual IoSCM Supply Chain Awards event is the perfect opportunity for IoSCM to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our learners, clients, members, and professionals from across the supply chain for their hard work and dedication. Every year, we open the voting to enable individuals and organisations to nominate themselves, employees, colleagues, clients, or suppliers to win a prestigious award. To celebrate IoSCM’s 10-year anniversary, the IoSCM Supply Chain Awards we’re bigger than ever, with all day event taking place at the Copthorne Hotel, Newcastle. The event included an exhibition with guest speakers, workshops, and panel discussions, with the awards dinner, ceremony, and live music to complete the day.  

Would you like to sponsor an Award in 2024?

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